Contour Map Program For Mac Opensource

Surfit is a computer program which enables to calculate regular grid from various data (scattered points, 2D and 3D contours, surfaces, etc) in different ways (interpolation, approximation, inequalities, etc).surfit implements the original gridding method. Look at the picture: here is the simplest gridding task, solved by surfit. The Elevation Mapper software is used to create elevation maps and data files customized to your project site. It will create contour line and filled contour plots. The plots are georeferenced so they can easily be viewed on Google Earth or ArcGIS or most GIS applications.

During development of the Green's function method for simulating mass transport by microvessel networks, I have been unable to find suitable open-source C programs for generating contour plots. The following subroutines are designed to address this problem. Both subroutines plot contours of a function specified by numerical data on a rectangular grid, and generate PostScript output.

Download source code: Contour C (remove _.txt from the file name and then unzip). If using Internet Explorer, right-click and hit 'Save Target As'.

contr_lines.cpp - generates contour lines and labels with contour heights
contr_shade.cpp - generates contour lines with colored shading between contours and a color bar

Input variables are:
m n nl: dimensions of array, no. of contour levels
scalefac: determines size of plot
xmin xmax ymin ymax: boundaries of box
cl(nl): array of contour levels
zv(m,n): array of heights

Additional variables are defined within the subroutines and may need to be changed for specific applications.

This code is free to use at your own risk. Feedback and/or acknowledgement are appreciated. Email

Contour Map Program For Mac Open Source File


Note: This code makes use of nrutil.h and nrutil.cpp as placed in the public domain by Numerical Recipes at

Contour Map Program For Mac Open Source Free

Version 2 - August 2011
In this version, contr_shade has been improved by combining polygons with the same color before writing to the PostScript file. Also some new options have been added. This yields much smaller output files, but longer processing times.
Download source code: Contour Aug 2011 (remove _.txt from the file name and then unzip). If using Internet Explorer, right-click and hit 'Save Target As'.

Version 2.1 - June 2014
Minor changes for compatibility with other compilers.
Download source code: Contour June 2014 (remove _.txt from the file name and then unzip). If using Internet Explorer, right-click and hit 'Save Target As'.

Contour Map Program For Mac Open Source Software

GUI version, including grid generator - August 2011
GUI versions of contr_shade and contr_lines, Version 2, together with a meshing program that accepts ASCII data in XYZ format (space or tab delimited) and generates a grid file that can then be contoured using contr_shaded. These versions were provided by Steve Ferrell and questions about these versions should be addressed to him.
Download executable files and sample data: Contouring Tools (remove _.txt from the file name and then unzip). If using Internet Explorer, right-click and hit 'Save Target As'.
Contents of the zip file:
Mesher.exe - GUI version of meshing program, generates z-elevation grid files for contouring.
contour_shaded.exe - GUI version of color shaded contouring routine, accepts .mes files from Mesher.exe.
contour_bw.exe - GUI version of line contouring routine, accepts .mes files from Mesher.exe. - ASCII survey data of Mt. St. Helens.
mt-sthelens.mes - 400x400 mesh of Mt. St. Helens generated by the Mesher program.
crater_lake_subset_700x700.mes - 700x700 mesh of Crater Lake generated by the Mesher program.
Mac OSX versions: Contouring Tools for Mac OSX users will need X11 libraries (e.g. XQuartz) installed on their system. Added June 2014.

Contour Map Program For Mac Open Source Download

T.W. Secomb, February 2009, updated 13 June 2014.