Move Itunes Library From Mac To Synology Nas


Move itunes library from mac to synology nasMove

It should be noted that a NAS is a great device to back your music library up to, and also to stream audio out to devices from. However, I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever be willing to put up with the misery of actually managing an iTunes library on my NAS. Add music to iTunes Go to File Add Folder to Library. Select all folders in the mapped folder and click Select Folder. After a few minutes, the music in the mapped folder on your Synology NAS.

  • If you use iTunes, this is a good way to create a simple and efficient workflow. Tweak your playlists in iTunes and then just export them, using the above steps, to your Synology NAS (or other DLNA compatible box). When you modify a playlist, just go through this process and replace it on your NAS, and your playlists will always be up to date.
  • Hi to all the iTunes Experts, I try to move my entire iTunes Library to my Synology DS 212j NAS, so that the entire family can share the library on their devices (MacBook, iPhone, iPad, iMac). The Library is about 200GB stuffed with music, audiobooks and podcasts (all in all about 28.000 files) and is on an external harddrive.
  • In the Choose iTunes Library dialog, click Choose Library and select the iTunes folder on your external drive. This can be enough for iTunes to properly associate itself with the copied library.

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Move Itunes Library From Mac To Synology NasLibrary

Hi all,

I do have Plex running on my Synology NAS. My iTunes library is as well located on this NAS because SONOS accesses it perfectly from there.

Move Itunes Library From Mac To Synology Nascar

Everything I found on the Internet regarding importing from iTunes seems to refer to former versions of Plex. The official FAQ page refers to “channels” - something that I can’t find on my settingins page. Instead there is an iTunes Plugin under “Plugins” which I activated along with the XML path. Still I had to Import the library by providing the path to the iTunes Media Folder. There was no option in that Import process to make this an “iTunes Import”.

Move Itunes Library From Mac To Synology Nas

I restarted my NAS and stopped/restarted Plex with no difference (or do I have to restart Plex in a specific way??)

Plex was able to Import all my Music but it’s my Playlists that I’m desperatly missing…

How To Move Itunes Library To Synology Nas

Thanks! Gregor