Neopets Shop Layouts

Neopet layouts. Neopets layouts|NEOPET LAYOUTS

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How to make neopet layouts

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  • Neopets Shop and Lookup Backgrounds 315 Responses to Neopets Shop and Lookup Backgrounds ← Older Comments. T says: at 10:35 pm. I hope i get my friend.
  • These are pre-made layouts to use in your shop. Copy the coding in the box and then paste it into your Shop Description. We had to seperate the shop and gallery layouts due to the strict blocks neo has put on codes in shop layouts. Some older layouts have been slightly altered to work in the new codes allowed.

Can we still use the Shop Layout even if it says on the very top banner?
Just cautious because TNT warned us about the counters, right?

The layouts below are yours to use freely all we ask is you give credit to Warlord Kingdom. Which is provided in the codes. These layouts were created by Dreemmayden. And provided to Warlord Kingdom for your use. Instructions for use: Right click in the box, select all then right click again, choose copy then go to your. Create/Edit a Shop.

TNT warned us about the counters? Hmm I wonder if I should take the Neomallers banner off my 4 mil NB petpage..
It's strange though because there are plenty of other neo-related sites that have layouts and whatnot with their url on it. :/

Some idiot (who is jealous) probably just went and reported. Im pretty sure it's fine. otherwise, all those sunnyneo daily dare counters and whatnot would be big trouble and i've seen those ALOT more than counters

Neopet Shop Background Codes

bugsybogis wrote:
Can we still use the Shop Layout even if it says on the very top banner?
Just cautious because TNT warned us about the counters, right?

Nate, relax. When TVT warned us about the counters, it was because they were on cookie grabber lookups. I had my boingdragon one for over a year and they never did anything about it.

Holy.. I never knew that neopets has warned us. Hm, I'll email someone from the neopet's team about this. They might clarify it more.

You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted!
Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Ple

Neopets Shop LayoutsNeopets shop layouts premade
Okay. So, I got a warning recently for posting a link to a website. I've been wanting to ask, can't you (before giving the user a warning) check out the website, make sure there's no information that couldn't be on Neopets, and if there is things that aren't allowed on Neopets, warn them? Instead of automatically warning those who post a website? A lot of role-players have information set out on a website, and they figure it's easier to redirect other role-players. I'm one of those, and I've just been curious why you automatically warn people for posting a link. Even when they don't clearly state that they're redirecting them to another website. ~[username removed]
Posting offsite links isn't allowed, no matter what, and while we are not generally harsh against familiar URLs on User Lookups it IS strictly enforced on the boards, regardless of if the site is dangerous or benign. For role players to post character information, each Neopet you have is given a Petpage to fill with whatever Neopet-appropriate information you want. With five accounts allowed per person and up to four Neopets per account, that's twenty web pages. We can't imagine role players on Neopets would need more. If you can't put the information on Petpages because it's inappropriate, then you shouldn't be doing/soliciting that style of role play on Neopets anyways, now should you?


and tnt probably has no choice to warn if 219392 decide to report one person Auto clicker for mac free roblox.

To those who just knew,
this report from a *jealous* someone Dmitri is talking about is the reason why from our counters was changed to Neomallers only.
Well, yeah, Neo shouldve warned more than 75% of the population by using Jellyneo/Sunny etc. if they were serious about that lol

Thank you so very much for changing the counters! I don't know if I could handle being frozen. I have everything invested in this account!

I discovered this site, the sales tracker software etc. through a counter in a mall shop but I got it by right clicking the counter, etc.. I think the counter now is just fine because you can get here if you really want to.

Neopets Shop Layouts 2018

As for the sunnyneo references, *rolls eyes* I know! They are much more prevalent right now..but we should assume TNT is warning about them as well. I let my children play neopets because it is a self-contained web site and I don't have to worry about them ending up somewhere they shouldn't. So, I understand TNT's rule and I have to remind myself that all ages play this site.

Neopet Shop Backgrounds And Layouts

~ Mimi
Mimi's Ménagerie: Healthy Tastes Good Here!